Crosswind #2

The mind-breaking crime fantasy continues! Slick Chicago hitman Cason Bennett and mousy Seattle housewife Juniper Blue have inexplicably switched bodies and lives, and a heartless, relentless killer seems intent on killing them both. Don't miss this edge-of-your-seat thriller by fan-favorites GAIL SIMONE and CAT STAGGS!
Story: Gail Simone
Art / Cover / Variant Cover: Cat Staggs
Published: July 26, 2017
Diamond ID: MAY170671
Boys Will Be Girls – Crosswind By Simone And Staggs Tackles Gender Head-On
Catching up on the first two issues of new Image Comics series Crosswind by the stellar team of Gail Simoneand Cat Staggs has been bracing, refreshing, and given me plenty to think about. Issue #2 landed last week and I pulled out the first and second issues for a read, knowing that the concept behind the comic–a body and life swap between a suburban wife and a hitman–could be very interesting indeed, especially in the hands of an female creative team who would be looking out for the major issues likely to pop up regarding both gender and lifestyle for such different characters.-COMICCON.COM
Preview of the second issue of Crosswind>

It is hard to fall in love with a book, especially a new series, but you will believe in love at first sight again after reading Crosswind. This second issue affirmed that this series is the real deal, giving life to a great story with art that moves you. 10/10-BY JESSICA PETRECZ ALLCOMIC.COM
Pull List: The Body-Swapping, Fantasyland, Awesomeness ofCrosswind and Moonstruck
Really, I don’t even need to talk about how great the writing is. I mean, it’s Gail Simone. Of coursethe story is stellar. Simon Bowland’s lettering is spot on. The bolding of certain words as a rhythm to the dialogue so you can almost hear the characters speak. And the staccato speech bubbles and text boxes ramp up the tension and keep the story moving at a rapid fire pace. The real star here is Cat Staggs. Her work is as cutting and compelling with a vivid, cinematic quality to it. Simply put, her art is phenomenal. Truly, I wouldn’t change a thing about this issue. To me, it’s abso-bloody-lutely perfect.-Alex Brown
I really do recommend picking this book up, as well as checking the last issue out. It's such fun storytelling and is thoroughly refreshing, and just a lot of fun. The art is so good and the writing is some of the best I've seen in a while. Buy this!- 9/10 BY HUSSEIN WASITI COMICSTHEGATHERING.COM
CROSSWIND #2 (Image) – Now that a hit man and a stay-at-home stepmom have switched bodies, there are multiple problems to solve. For example, how does that hitman now prepare dinner for that crucial dinner with the spouse’s boss? And, how does that stay-at-home stepmom…clean up the scene of a brutal murder? True to form, writer Gail Simone refuses to go for the easy plot points, using these otherwise absurd situations to bring out the best qualities of her characters. Cat Staggs brings amazing artwork to the party, and this is easily a 10/10 TMSTASH.COM
The feeling of watching June and Case do the things they are good at is pure satisfaction, and it gets better combined with the anticipation of watching them get ready to do the things you desperately want them to do. I can’t wait for Case to stab one of the neighborhood bullies or for June to meet the girlfriend.
The issue ends with each of them getting into another complication, June saving the boss’ psychotic grandson, Case saving the step-son. How they get through those issues, and dig deeper into their own mysteries, is sure to continue to be a great story.
If you like gangsters, mysteries, stories where women find their power and bad guys use their powers for good, this is the comic for you. Really, pick it up. This is one we’ll be raving about for years to come.10 out of 10 - by L.E.H. Light

REVIEW: 'Crosswind' #2 by Gail Simone and Cat Staggs
'Crosswind' takes the body-switch trope to new heights with a satisfying second issue that builds directly on the first with a mysterious new player pulling the strings. Meanwhile, Cason and Juniper are forced to step up in their new bodies with a lot riding for each of them. Cat Staggs wows with her unique art style that is fully in sync with Gail Simone's hard boiled script. 'Crosswind' is a bonafide bloody good time. ★★★★☆ (4/5) SPARTANTOWN
< Image 25 years Future variant cover
Crosswind #2, Image Comics
Gail Simone and Cat Staggs’ story of a hitman and a housewife swapping bodies had a bit of a shaky first issue, too dedicated to setting up the premise and not to moving the plot. But now we’re in the plot, and both Simone and Staggs have a wind at their backs. What’s clever about this story is that it turns out a housewife and a hitman do, in fact, have enough overlapping skills, in the right situations, to fake it. The question now, and one you’ll want an answer to by the end of the issue, is can they make it?- by DAN SEITZ UPROXX
Crosswind #2
I’m really looking forward to seeing how Juniper grows as a person being stuck in his body. With what we’ve seen and what we learn how she’s going to become a stronger person is going to be something to see. It’s probably going to have to be the bigger transformation. Separately each of these powerhouse creators is known for doing some incredible work but together it seems they are taking that to a new level. Who knew they could already be on top and still produce work that was even better than anything they’ve done before? The quality of work here raises the bar and standard for everyone else in the industry. READINGWITHAFLIGHTRING.COM
Crosswind #2 is a spectacular continuation of this strange tale, with the way our two protagonists handle the situation being enticing from start to finish. The creative team also capture the quirky and at times comical nature of this tale, with there being plenty to look forward to as we await the next issue.-9/10 SNAPPOW.COM
Heroes and Villains – Reviewing Recent Comics 7-26-2017:Crosswind #2
A Chicago hitman and a Seattle housewife switch bodies, and while it sounds like the set up for a bad joke or an Adam Sandler movie, this is an intense, graphic thriller, and a domestic drama, and it’s just full of cinematic brilliance. As the housewife in the assassin’s body cleans up after a hit with the mad skills of domesticity, the assassin in the housewife’s body makes dinner for hubby’s boss and deals with stepson’s bully problems. I love this, and you will too. This is a definite buy, and if you haven’t already, get the first issue too – Crosswind promises to be a hell of a ride.- by Glenn Walker HEROES AND VILLAINS.COM
Crosswind #2 — Writer: Gail Simone; Art/Colors: Cat Staggs Crosswinds #1 set up its premise: a contract killer and a beleaguered suburban housewife switch minds unexpectedly, and each has to deal with the others’ problems. This second issue focuses more on the hard-assed mob guy in the housewife’s body, and his brisk problem-solving of her domestic crises is bawdy, potentially-bloody fun; if you liked Garth Ennis’s Jennifer Blood, you should get this book.- by Phil ALLABOUTCOMICS.COM
Captain Kirk’s Weekly Comic Review – 07/26/2017
Image Comics-Crosswind #2: It’s a great book and not one to miss.… and don’t miss it. In fact, I’m willing to back this one as the pick of the week. Crosswind isn’t a typical comic story in that superheroes and high-powered villains are the substance of its tale, but there definitely is a level of curiosity that keeps me riveted.
You know when you get that feeling that the end of an episode on television takes you by surprise? That’s’ the feeling I get when I read this comic. I think this definitely has to be Gail Simone’s best original work. It’s unique enough that drives your curiosity and familiar enough that you can get into the story really quickly.-Captain John K. Kirk POP MYTHOLOGY.COM
Review: Crosswind #2
Is this book worth your time and money? Simone and Stagg are a great combination here and the book hits a great stride with this issue. While the Freaky Friday plot is basic, Simone’s writing is taking it to a whole other level that is working very well here. Stagg’s artwork captures what the script asks for and then more. Solid story with fantastic artwork make this a comic that is not to be missed. RECOMMENDED! by Steven Howearth
Review: Crosswind #2
The way this comic tells the story, we are constantly watching things happening side by side and switching page by page. There are very few instances where one perspective goes on for longer than the other. Even though its just a dinner, this has become just as crucial to Cason as covering up a murder is to Juniper. You really feel it when you are watching panel by panel changing between Cason cooking as Juniper and Juniper cleaning up blood as Cason. This artistic layout is just perfect. Gail Simone and Cat Staggs clearly have an understanding of each other that not all authors and artists are able to obtain. The fluidity of dialogue and panel sequencing all comes together so nicely. Top it off with Simone’s amazing characterization and Stagg’s super-edgy-crime-esque art style and there really isn’t much more you could ask for. OVERALL SCORE: 9.8 / 10 by Rachel Freeman THEPOPBREAK.COM
God of Comics – Crosswind #2
Illustrating the chaos comes the windswept inks of Cat Staggs, an unrelenting assault of panels that play perfectly with the pace Gail has set. If you’re looking for a tale of personal horror and lives unraveled and changed, this is your story. Don’t miss it.-Living Myth
LYLES MOVIE FILES: Crosswind #2 Review
It’s the kind of book you might need to read more than once to fully appreciate, but once it clicks, it’s pretty brilliant. I can’t imagine some Hollywood exec isn’t already figuring out a pitch for this series. Until then, readers will have to ‘settle’ for Cat Staggs’ mesmerizing artwork. Staggs utilizes a beautiful animation style that looks part photo realistic and part cell shaded video game. The effect is amazing especially on pages with both characters’ perspectives. For fans of Simone’s work at DC and those just looking for something extraordinarily different, Crosswind is a dazzling must-read-9.5/10 by Jeffrey Lyles
World’s Coolest Reviews: Crosswind #2
The artwork from Cat Staggs further sells the change in characters. Subtle gestures and mannerisms allow the reader to see the body swap as well as the dialogue sells it via words. Beautiful art with fantastically emotive faces round out this brilliant comic book. Gail Simone has yet another winner on her hands accompanied with outstanding visuals. Anyone reading this review who is interested make sure you grab issues #1 and #2 together from World’s Coolest Comics so you can get in on the ground floor for one of the most entertaining reads of the year. -Geoff Deen WORLD'S COOLEST REVIEWS
The real magic of Image Comics comes when talented creators are able to deliver a story that you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else, and this book’s premise, while containing that fantastic element of the mind-swap, wouldn’t fly in a shared universe or a superhero world. But on its own, it makes for a riveting comic-book, one that I highly recommend on all levels, leaving Crosswind #5 with full marks, 5 out of 5 stars overall. There’s something supremely satisfying about a simple premise being used to make such a strong story, and the combination of Simone’s dialogue and Staggs’ beautifully complex art makes every page worth looking at. This one’s well worth the price of admission…5/5 by MATTHEW PETERSON MAJORSPOILERS.COM
This new offering from Image Comics is off to a strong start. Great writing and fabulous illustrations bring these new characters and story to the forefront of books worth paying attention to. The foundation has been build, and we’ve been introduced to the cast. It’s now time to buckle up and enjoy the roller coaster we’ve all stepped onto.- 4/5 Bryan Spaulding COMIC CRUSADERS.COM
Crosswind #2
Gail Simone also adds a mysterious element of a man knowing about the body switch who also has Cason and Juniper’s fate in his hands. This element makes Crosswind far from your average “Freaky Friday” type storyline, and will be sure to leave readers wanting more. The artwork by Cat Staggs makes every page feel like a masterpiece with her painting like art style. Staggs does a great job at showcasing the different personalities of Juniper and Cason in each other’s bodies — doing this through their facial expressions and posture. Crosswind #2 captures Juniper and Cason’s personalities perfectly as they both deal with each other’s very different lifestyles. Gail Simone is already allowing them to grow as characters and we are only on the second issue of the series. Rating: 9 out of 10 by David Pepose, Best Shots Team Lead NEWSARAMA
Page breakdown from Crosswind #2 : The Dinner Party