Holiday Commissions
List is Closed!!
Thank you to all of you who signed up for COMMISSION.
For the first time in years, I will be able to do some commissions in time for the Holidays. list is closed
Should i find i have more time I will open the list back up again. Keep any eye out on my twitter account for any updates @CatStaggs
Happy Holidays!
For those of you who have pending commissions, they will be the first ones taken care of. Everything will be completed and mailed in time for Hanukkah or Christmas.
If you are interested in getting a one of a kind gift for you or your loved ones this year, send your request to or
Insurance is required with the shipping cost. Artwork will be securely packaged.
Commission Sizes and Prices
Head Shots 9 x 12 Black and white $150
11 x 14 single figure $350 two figures $500
For the first time in over ten years, I am offering a color commission. VERY LIMITED so grab it while you can.
11 x 14 FULL COLOR Single figure, minimal background $650