Gal Gadot and ‘Girl Stuff’: A Q&A With the Duo Behind the New Wonder Woman Story

An online exclusive image from Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman. Art by Cat Staggs.
DC Comics

There is no better four-color icon than Wonder Woman to lead the way into a new era of inclusiveness as comic books and superheroes seize an ever-greater share of the pop imagination.

Long considered one of DC Comics’ “holy trinity” of heroes, along with Superman andBatman, Diana of Themyscira’s mass-media cachet has faded somewhat in recent decades, particularly as her male cohorts have scored big hits at the box office. But, with Wonder Woman finally — FINALLY — set to make her big-screen debut in 2016′s“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” it’s once again the Amazon warrior’s moment to shine.

The resurgence includes a digital-first run of DC’s Sensation Comics — a title that hearkens back to Wonder Woman’s first appearances in the 1940s — featuring stories by different artists and writers outside of the publisher’s current“New 52″ continuity. Cat Staggs andAmanda Deibert, an artist-writer duo married for nearly three years, took on the third story in the anthology, which will be released digitally Thursday on DC’s app, Amazon’s Kindle store, comiXology and Apple’s iBooks, among other outlets. (This article features online exclusive images of Staggs’s art. Their story ran in the print edition of Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman No. 1.)

Read the full interview here
